Get Involved

Ways To Get Involved in Suicide Prevention
Become a Peer Health Educator
The PULSE Health Education Program is a year long commitment that begins with a three unit training class during spring quarter. This is followed by membership to one of four PULSE teams for the following Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters.
• You will receive three units of class credit for each quarter, for a total of twelve units.
• You have the opportunity to develop your senior project, build your resume, and gain valuable hands-on experience.
• You will meet new people, learn new things, and have fun!
• Applications accepted winter quarter.
Volunteer for the Crisis Text Line
The Crisis Text Line is a non-profit organization that provides free, live responses via text to anyone in crisis who texts 741-741. There is a minimum 4 hour per week commitment for one year. You must be 18 years old, have access to a computer with a secure internet connection, and pass the background check and training process. See for more information.
Volunteer for the SLO Hotline
SLO Hotline, a program of Transitions-Mental Health Association, has volunteer and internship opportunities for anyone age 18 to 80 who is interested in helping others.
SLO Hotline volunteers form the core of TMHA's service to the community. As a SLO Hotline volunteer, you will be trained to help staff the County’s only 24-hour emotional and mental health support and crisis hotline, making a difference in the lives of youth, seniors, individuals and families. Volunteers learn the skills to effectively listen, offer encouragement, suggest appropriate mental health resources and defuse crisis situations.
Requirements• 18 years or older
• Open-minded
• Willingness to assist individuals of different belief systems and backgrounds than your own
• Good communication skills
The initial training includes a series of six 4-hour classroom seminars. Subsequently, those are followed by an additional six 4-hour office shifts with an experienced volunteer who acts as a mentor. After the training is completed, the expected minimum volunteer commitment is 16 hours per month for one year, and attendance at quarterly volunteer meetings. Volunteer schedules are flexible. We will work with you to set your schedule!
For more information about the Hotline program opportunities, please contact:
Ileara Brown, Program Manager at (805) 540-6541.
Volunteers needed for non-telephone work: SLO Hotline is also looking for volunteers or interns to assist with general administrative duties, which include standard office duties. Shifts are available weekdays and this non-paying position is available on a volunteer basis only. This is a great chance to give something back to your community.