Counseling Services Community Prevention & Outreach Services
Prevention & Outreach Services include presentations and programming provided by Counseling Services in order to promote the emotional health and wellbeing of the larger university community. Our staff is available to deliver lectures, workshops, and other programming to your class, group, department or campus organization. We offer a wide variety of topics, and we are always expanding the list of topics we address. In addition to stigma reduction, resilience and prevention programming for students, Counseling Services provides consultation and training in a variety of areas to faculty and staff. We also available for general outreach at events such as health fairs or other campus events.
Community Prevention & Outreach Services Strategic Objectives
- Increase mental wellbeing practices across the campus community.
- Increase response and visibility around campus/community social justice issues.
- Increase prevention programming and screening for high risk populations.
- Promote bystander intervention behaviors across campus.
- Promote consultation and advising across campus community.
How To Request A Prevention Program
Complete the Community Prevention & Outreach Services Request Form
Due to the many responsibilities of CS staff and the large request for services, we request a minimum of ten audience members at each function. Requests received at least one month in advance with at least three possible dates have a greater likelihood of being accommodated. Requests can be made up to one year in advance, and we can accommodate some requests for regularly scheduled functions. Although Community Prevention & Outreach Services Programming is generally scheduled Monday through Friday during regular business hours, we are able to accommodate a small number of events outside of this time. Please contact us for more information.
We also encourage you to familiarize yourself with the programming offered through PULSE/Peer Health Education in addition to those offered by Counseling Services.

Academic Issues
Test Anxiety
Time Management & Other Study Skills
Addressing Mental Health Concerns
Anxiety and DepressionSuicide
Disordered Eating and Body Image
Substance Use, Abuse, & Dependence
Helping Someone in Distress
General Wellness and Personal Growth
Life Transitions
Mindfulness, Meditation, and Relaxation
Stress Management
First Year Success
General Information About Counseling Services
Basic Counseling Skills
Crisis Management
How to Make a Referral
Assisting Students in Distress
Assisting Students At-Risk for Harming Self or Others
Services Offered at Counseling Services
Alcohol and Drug Interventions