
The Thoughtful Lifestyle Choices (TLC) team advises our Cal Poly peers on the potential harms related to alcohol, marijuana, and other drug use and misuse through educational services. TLC volunteers conduct one-on-one consultations, presentations, and weekly seminars. They are a professionally trained group of Peer Health Educators that promote positive behavior change regarding drugs and alcohol based on scientific data and are here to provide a non-judgmental space for any Cal Poly student. If you want to come in and talk about experiences, your living situation, or anything else that may be negatively affected by either your personal alcohol/drug use, or a peer's alcohol/drug use, we are here to listen.


Consultations: Private one-on-one meetings with peer health educators to help educate students towards safer decisions. 

Events: Presentations, by request, to groups regarding various drug and alcohol topics.


  • Alcohol
  • Marijuana
  • Campus Policy
  • Substance Abuse
  • Tobacco Cessation

Seminars: Educational seminars are typically held once a week for students who may have violated campus policy.

TLC Events



Freaky Fall

PULSE's annual Fall quarter event that takes place around Halloween. Last year, we promoted safety and smart decisions and education on substance use. 

Love Carefully

PULSE's annual Winter quarter event that takes place around Valentine's Day. We provide safe, alternative ideas or harm-reducing activities for those celebrating.

May Day Wellbeing Fair

PULSE's annual Spring quarter event that takes place on May 1st. We provide the best ways to stay safe when participating in your favorite outdoor activities!

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